
Fantasy Novel Review: The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson

It finally happened. After a decade of skepticism, I gave in and dipped my toe into what may be the most popular adult fantasy series of the last ten years, reading Brandon Sanderson’s The Way of Kings.  The Way of Kings is very much an epic fantasy opener, introducing three major storylines bound for convergence… Continue reading Fantasy Novel Review: The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson


Fantasy Novella Review: Silver in the Wood by Emily Tesh

I’ve heard only positive things about Silver in the Wood since its debut in 2019, but the premise—cozy fantasy romance between a melancholy magical creature and a newcomer to his forest—wasn’t really in my wheelhouse, and it was easy to get lost amidst so many other excellent new releases. So, in keeping with the theme… Continue reading Fantasy Novella Review: Silver in the Wood by Emily Tesh


Sci-fi/Fantasy Novella Review: Elder Race by Adrian Tchaikovsky

This review is based on an eARC (Advance Reader Copy) provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Elder Race will be released on November 16, 2021.  I knew absolutely nothing about Elder Race when I saw it come available on NetGalley, but I liked Children of Time enough to give… Continue reading Sci-fi/Fantasy Novella Review: Elder Race by Adrian Tchaikovsky


2021 Hugo Ballot: Lodestar Award for Best Young Adult Novel

As the voting period winds down, I am continuing my series of posts giving my ballot and reasoning for various Hugo Award categories. Back in the spring, I explored Best Short Story and Best Novelette; earlier this week, I examined Best Novella; and today, I’ll be looking at the Lodestar Award for Best Young Adult… Continue reading 2021 Hugo Ballot: Lodestar Award for Best Young Adult Novel