Introducing Team Tar Vol On’s SPSFC2 Quarterfinalists

My team has been given 28 books to evaluate in the first round of the second annual Self-Published Science Fiction Competition (SPSFC2), with the ultimate task of whittling them to three by the end of January. Those semifinalists will be passed to other judging teams for another round of evaluation before the finalists are chosen… Continue reading Introducing Team Tar Vol On’s SPSFC2 Quarterfinalists

Monthly Round-Up

October 2022 Round-up and Short Fiction Focus

For the second straight month, I’m trying the “read a sci-fi periodical from cover-to-cover” thing. Between the October issue of Clarkesworld, the r/Fantasy Short Fiction Book Club, and my continued progress through my ARC of Africa Risen, I didn’t have many shorts that I just picked up on a whim. But I still read some absolutely fantastic… Continue reading October 2022 Round-up and Short Fiction Focus


Sci-fi/Fantasy Novel Review: Things They Buried by Amanda K. King and Michael R. Swanson

For the first round of this year’s Self-Published Science Fiction Competition (SPSFC2), my team has been assigned 28 books to ultimately whittle down to three semifinalists. To that end, we have further divided our batch so that each judge will be assigned 11 or 12 books to scout for the rest of the team. And… Continue reading Sci-fi/Fantasy Novel Review: Things They Buried by Amanda K. King and Michael R. Swanson