
Fantasy Novel Review: The Thirteenth Hour by Trudie Skies

If you spend a lot of time among heavy readers of self-published fantasy, it’s hard not to have heard of The Thirteenth Hour, Trudie Skies’ tale of a conspiracy that threatens the established order of a steampunk world of twelve races living in a tenuous peace. My SPSFC judging has shifted by indie reading heavily… Continue reading Fantasy Novel Review: The Thirteenth Hour by Trudie Skies


SPSFC Quarterfinalist Review: Gates of Mars by Kathleen McFall and Clark Hays

As our SPSFC team finishes reading our ten quarterfinalists out of our first round allotment, I will be posting review roundups and official scores. As you read our thoughts on these ten books, keep in mind that we have a variety of tastes on this team, and a low score does not necessarily indicate a… Continue reading SPSFC Quarterfinalist Review: Gates of Mars by Kathleen McFall and Clark Hays


SPSFC Quarterfinalist Review: The Solid-State Shuffle by Jeffrey A. Ballard

As our SPSFC team finishes reading our ten quarterfinalists out of our first round allotment, I will be posting review roundups and official scores. As you read our thoughts on these ten books, keep in mind that we have a variety of tastes on this team, and a low score does not necessarily indicate a bad book. One… Continue reading SPSFC Quarterfinalist Review: The Solid-State Shuffle by Jeffrey A. Ballard


SPSFC Quarterfinalist Review: Bloodlines by Peter Hartog

As our SPSFC team finishes reading our ten quarterfinalists out of our first round allotment, I will be posting review roundups and official scores. As you read our thoughts on these ten books, keep in mind that we have a variety of tastes on this team, and a low score does not necessarily indicate a bad book. One… Continue reading SPSFC Quarterfinalist Review: Bloodlines by Peter Hartog


SPSFC Quarterfinalist Review: Bypass the Stars by Kate Sheeran Swed

As our SPSFC team finishes reading our ten quarterfinalists out of our first round allotment, I will be posting review roundups and official scores. As you read our thoughts on these ten books, keep in mind that we have a variety of tastes on this team, and a low score does not necessarily indicate a bad book. One… Continue reading SPSFC Quarterfinalist Review: Bypass the Stars by Kate Sheeran Swed


SPSFC Quarterfinalist Review: Harvest by Olga Werby

As our SPSFC team finishes reading our ten quarterfinalists out of our first round allotment, I will be posting review roundups and official scores. As you read our thoughts on these ten books, keep in mind that we have a variety of tastes on this team, and a low score does not necessarily indicate a bad book. One… Continue reading SPSFC Quarterfinalist Review: Harvest by Olga Werby


SPSFC Quarterfinalist Review: Day 115 on an Alien World by Jeanette Bedard

As our SPSFC team finishes reading our ten quarterfinalists out of our first round allotment, I will be posting review roundups and official scores. As you read our thoughts on these ten books, keep in mind that we have a variety of tastes on this team, and a low score does not necessarily indicate a… Continue reading SPSFC Quarterfinalist Review: Day 115 on an Alien World by Jeanette Bedard


SPSFC Quarterfinalist Review: Dusk Mountain Blues by Deston J. Munden

As our SPSFC team finishes reading our ten quarterfinalists out of our first round allotment, I will be posting review roundups and official scores. As you read our thoughts on these ten books, keep in mind that we have a variety of tastes on this team, and a low score does not necessarily indicate a… Continue reading SPSFC Quarterfinalist Review: Dusk Mountain Blues by Deston J. Munden


Fantasy Novel Review: From the Shadows of the Owl Queen’s Court by Benedict Patrick

I really loved Benedict Patrick’s Yarnsworld novelette “And They Were Never Heard from Again,” but I found the series’ first novel They Mostly Come Out at Night to be a disappointment. So I returned to the creepy forest of the Magpie King for a third Yarnsworld story with some trepidation, and again came out with… Continue reading Fantasy Novel Review: From the Shadows of the Owl Queen’s Court by Benedict Patrick